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Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands

Fruit and vegetable grower and export company, from Spain to Europe

Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands
Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands

Specialists in growing and exporting fruits and vegetables

We are dedicated to the import and export of fruits and vegetables of the best quality, from Spain to Europe.

Guaranteeing an exceptional fresh product, which reaches the consumer with all its qualities.


Assen Produce was founded in 2011. After working several years in the fruit and vegetables market, we decided to start our own company.We work with growers in Spain and are always looking for new products and new clients in Europe.


The growers are situated all over Spain:

  • Citrus (Valencia, Murcia, Sevilla)

  • Greenhouse (Almeria)

  • Open field (Murcia, Cadiz)


We are a certified grower and all our partner growers are certified with at least global gap certification, this is an internationally recognized set of farm standards dedicated to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). The requirements that are made on a worldwide level of agricultural and market gardening businesses in terms of food safety, shelf life and quality.


Full or mixed loads

Every client has different requirements and quantities, we can deliver the whole range of fresh produce from Spain with full loads or mixed loads to adapt to the clients requirements, to ensure the best quality delivered.

More than 10 years of experience

More than 10 years of experience endorse us in exporting fruit and vegetables from Spain to Europe. We strive every day to achieve sustainable growth adapted to new technologies.


Spanish agriculture differentiates the variety and quality of its products. Fruits and vegetables are the most relevant crops. Spain is the second producing country in the EU. In relation to exports, it ranks first in Europe and third worldwide, behind China and the United States.


Supply chain of fresh produce from Spain

To give you a better understanding of the process to receive Spanish produce several steps are necessary, first step is the order of the client, then produce is checked by the quality control in the field to match the quality and specifications by the client, after this produce will be harvested and packed in the field or in the packhouse by the requested demands of the client. Once packed produce will be cooled and checked again, before being loaded on the lorry that will go straight to your doorstep. In this case you get the freshed produce directly from the field to your doorstep with the specifications that you requiere.

Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to Europe
Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands

Which fruits and vegetables do we grow and export?

Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands


Lemons, Oranges, Easy peelers, Grapefruit, Honeydew, Galia Melon, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Nectarines, Peaches, Apricots.

Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands


Beetroot, Broccoli, Carrots, Smooth parsley, Curled parsley, Coriander, Cauliflower, Carrots, Iceberg, Celery green, Spinach, Parsley, Green cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Pointed Cabbage.

Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands


Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Courgettes, Aubergines, Beans

Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to the Netherlands

Fresh fruits and vegetables from Spain, Directly from the grower to your doorstep

Fruit and vegetable export company, from Spain to Europe
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